Green Shipping Line

Transforming Transportation in America

US Infrastructure

U.S. Marine Transportation Industry_Green Shipping Line

How 2021 is Crucial to the Survival of the U.S. Marine Transportation Industry

Within hours of entering the new year, the maritime shipping industry saw quite a positive outlook for the future.
With the U.S. Senate overriding the Presidential veto and signing into law the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) on January 1, 2021, many of the doubts and concerns the maritime industry had were eased, as exceedingly important legislations were finally coming to fruition.

How 2021 is Crucial to the Survival of the U.S. Marine Transportation Industry Read More »

American Marine Highway

[VIDEO] What’s the American Marine Highway and Why It’s Important

The American Marine Highway is an underutilized sector of the U.S.A’s Infrastructure. It consists of 250,000 miles of navigable waterways that operate–as the name suggest–a highway for vessels to transport goods domestically. The American Marine Highway and its ports and terminals already exist. Our water network, that costs nothing to create and little to maintain,

[VIDEO] What’s the American Marine Highway and Why It’s Important Read More »

USA Trucking

The Long Term Shortage of Truck Drivers is Causing Real Economic Problems

Truck drivers are the backbone of the economy, without them it would simply not be possible to distribute goods to their desired locations. The trucking industry in America delivers more goods than the train network, planes or even the massive cargo ships. In reality it is almost impossible to get any product delivered without using

The Long Term Shortage of Truck Drivers is Causing Real Economic Problems Read More »

US Infrastructure-Bridges

An historic opportunity to improve infrastructure on the cheap is in danger of being squandered

In America, the average bridge is 42 years old and the average dam 52. In comparison, one in three railway bridges in Germany is over 100 years old, as are half of London’s water mains. It is hard to exaggerate the decrepitude of infrastructure in much of the rich world. One in three railway bridges

An historic opportunity to improve infrastructure on the cheap is in danger of being squandered Read More »

use trucking industry


Written by Pat Roche Did you know that by utilizing a transportation infrastructure that combines trucks, trains and ships we can take back the #1 spot in global commerce? With short sea shipping, we will be able to add efficiencies to the trucking companies that will add jobs, and much needed revenue to the truck companies allowing

Truckers Read More »

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